Homemaking has become a lost art in recent years. Learn about what a homemaker really is and why Homemaking skills are still so important in todays busy world.

Are you overwhelmed as soon as you walk in the door to your home? Is clutter, your busy schedule, and your endless to-do list always in the back of your mind? I used to feel this way, it created chaos within my family and the result was that feeling of being constantly behind never feeling on-top of it or ahead of the game. It wasn't fun, but there was a solution, it took time and dedication, but was so worth it.
Homemaking, it sounds antiquated at first. Images of 1950's housewives in perfectly polished swing skirts and headbands come to mind. But homemaking in fact is an art that has so much value in todays fast paced world.
Todays homemakers are often put in the stay-at-home mom category, but the two titles are not really interchangeable (although many full time stay-at-home moms are also homemakers). You do not have to be a stay-at-home mom to be a homemaker. You don't actually have to stay at home full time, or be a mom to consider yourself a homemaker. Many full-time workers with no children are homemakers.
Homemaking is essentially the act of getting your home organized your schedule under control, your proverbial ducks in a row so to speak so that you and your family can thrive within the home. For me homemaking is maintaining routines that work for me and my family so that we can enjoy the moments I might not otherwise be able to, if my home was otherwise typically chaotic and unorganized.
What is a homemaker
A homemaker is by definition someone who effectively manages a home. Although you may not realize it, that can entail A LOT OF THINGS! Homemaking can be different for all but some of the general homemaking skills I learned when becoming a homemaker were;
- Caring for my children
- Budgeting
- Paying bills
- Meal planning
- Cooking healthy meals from scratch
- Gardening and growing our own food
- Making sure everyone is well-fed and groomed
- Cleaning and maintaining the home
- Organizing our family schedule
- Organizing our family belongings within the home
- Making sure our home is comfortable and safe
- Pet care
- Vehicle care and maintenance (my husband helps with this)
- Home maintenance
This list changes as our family dynamic changes, but mastering a few of these key homemaking skills can really help you and your family thrive.
For more info on Home making skills
How to start your homemaking journy
Start by picking a few homemaking goals and cultivate the skills you need to execute those goals. As I mentioned earlier, getting your home organized and your tasks in order will allow you to ultimately succeed at creating an environment where your home is a sanctuary. I focus on these key things to keep my home running smoothly and so the time my family has together is well spent. Skills I learned when pursuing a happy home life were;
- Learning to Cook from scratch
- Cleaning my home with basic non-toxic products that I could make from scratch
- Decluttering our home to ensure that everything is utilized and nothing goes to waste
- Gardening to produce food for my family and create a beautiful outdoor area for my family
Learning a set of skills to become a successful homemaker and then building on that skill set will set you up for success. It is unfortunate that some of these skills that our mothers and grandmothers leaned so heavily on are not mainstream anymore. Fast paced modern norms have effectively made old fashioned home making skills obsolete, and to our detriment I believe.
By slowing down and taking the time to care for our homes and each other and kind of fulfillment can be found that is not easily replaced with consumerism or the latest gadget to help you get ahead.
Homemaking Tips For Beginners
If your just getting started, homemaking can feel a bit daunting here are some tips to help you get started on the right foot.
- Get up early, preferably before your children (if you're a parent).
- Get ready for the day, put yourself together (in other words pjs are out of the question... most days).
- Put together a realistic schedule for each of your days.
- Make attainable to-do lists for your home tasks.
- Treat homemaking like a real job from the beginning and approach it with self discipline.
- Chose one new skill to work on at a time.
- Don't be hard on yourself if everything isn't perfect. Mistakes happen, there is always an opportunity for learning
- If you really don't know how or where to get started... Start by making sure everyone is fed. (I don't remember who told me this, but it's some of the best advice I have ever been given)
Why Is Homemaking so Important
It's easy to confuse housekeeping and homemaking. Housekeeping typically consists of doing the laundry, cleaning the bathroom, kitchen, floors, windows etc. Your cleaning routine is important and an integral part of "making a home", but homemaking is more than that.
The magic of homemaking really happens when we fully understand the value of a well run home and how that can benefit our family and our relationships. When we can intentionally make our home a place of comfort and learning, a place where family is welcomed into a safe and loving environment and family relationships take priority over all else, then we are truly successful homemakers.
Making a house a home is so much more than a list (although lists are helpful to getting you there!). By accomplishing your homemaking goals and ensuring that your home is essentially a well oiled machine you will eliminate stressors from our family life and you will be able to devote yourself more fully to family wellbeing and relationships. In my current season of life the benefits of being a successful homemaker are;
- Cultivating meaningful conversations with my husband and children
- Creating a space where our family feels comfortable
- Prioritizing health on all fronts
- Creating time for learning together
- Finding time to make memories together
- Creating a home that my children and husband are proud of and want to come home to
Find freedom in being a homemaker
I hope you as you read this article as an exciting new opportunity and not another list of things that might get you down. If you are brand new to home management, I understand it can be daunting, but also so rewarding, and remember this is your journey and you can literally make your home exactly as you want it!
If you can see your homemaking goals as an adventure in learning you will never be bored! You can become a homesteading homemaker and start a garden, get yourself some chickens and learn to grow your own food (even if you have a tiny space)! You can be a natural homemaker and eliminate all of the toxic products from your home. You can become an organizational guru and declutter and organize your home to your hearts content. Whatever you want out of your homemaking journey you can make it happen!